Video beyond Voice Push-To-Talk
freqeuntly asked questions
- Product
- Application
- Server Package
- ProGate
- Service
- Cloud Service
- App Service
- Video Sharing
- Developers
- Sales Partner
ProPTT2 Application
What is "ProPTT2 Application"?
ProPTT2 provide iOS/Android application and windows PC Client. You can do voice and video Push-To-Talk communication between 1:1/1:Group/1:N users. Also ProPTT2 applications support chat, location sharing functions as well.
Who can use "ProPTT2 Application"?
ProPTT2 Application's main users are below:
(1) "App Service" users who downloaded ProPTT2 smartphone application on Apple App Store or Google Play Store
(2) Organization or corporation users who registered on ProPTT2 "Cloud Service"
(3) Organization or corporation users who installed ProPTT2 "Server Package" -
Where can I download "ProPTT2 Application"?
iOS/Android applications could be downloaded on Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Search "ProPTT2" on stores. PC client is provided on ProPTT2 website (
- Is there any minimum system requirements for "ProPTT2 Application"?
[Duplicate Login] Is it possible to use multiple devices with one account?
"ProPTT2 Application" do not allow 'duplicate login'. It means that you cannot log in to different device with same ID which you've already logged in to some other device.
So, for example, if you try to log in to PC Client when you have logged in to the iPhone application, iPhone account will be disconnected automatically. -
Does it possible to set the quality of PTT?
Users can select transmitting quality of voicePTT/videoPTT depending on device specifications or network status in [ Setup > Push-To-Talk Setting]
There are 2 types of voice PTT quality
- High(16Kbps), Medium(8Kbps)
There are 3 types of video PTT quality.
- High : 272kbps(vocie 16kbps included)
- Medium : 136kbps(voice 8kbps included)
- Low : 72kbps(voice 8kbps included)
※ Note. Higher quality PTT will use more data than lower quality PTT. -
How much data does "ProPTT2 app" use?
"ProPTT2 App" data usage may differ depending on your PTT quality settings. Here is example of PropTT2 app data usage:
- If you transmit medium (8kbps) quality Voice PTT for 30 sec. and receive it 30 sec. : you used total 60KB of data (30KB each). If you used ProPTT2 app for an hour with this condition, you used about 3.5MB data.
If there is no PTT transmitting(send and receive), ProPTT2 app uses a small amount of data. Note that higher quality PTT will use more data than lower quality PTT.
ProPTT2 Server Package
What is "Server Package"?
By using ProPTT2 Server Package, it's possible to build video IP-PTT system environment for large organizations/enterprise customers who want to build their own system.
What kind of server packages do I have to use?
You can choose from "Trial", "Standard" or "Enterprise" version depending on amount of users, system stability and scalability. See version comparison here.
How many users can use "Server Package"?
Maximum 20,000 users can use "Server Package-Enterprise" version. Trial version supports up to 10 users. Standard version supports maximum 1,000 users.
How many channels can be created on "Server Package"?
Regardless of server package types, you can create maximum 100 channels on Trial/Standard/Enterprise version depending on customers' working environments.
We have a lot of users and need to set up stable services. Which server should we use?
We recommend you ProPTT2 Server Package "Enterprise" version. It's a dual server type and supports replication/clustering/load balancing for stable service and managing increase of users.
Where the server package users can download ProPTT2 applications?
Users can download ProPTT2 application on Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Note that "Server Package" users don't have to sign up for ProPTT2 application separately. If you are a server package user, ask your administrator about your ProPTT2 account.
"Server Package" users need to sign up for ProPTT2 seperately?
If you are "Server Package" users, your administrator will create your account and let you know. So server package users don't need to sign up for ProPTT2 on application.
Where can "Server Package" users can change their password?
To change a password, 1. Log in to ProPTT2 application 2. Go to [Setup > Account] 3. Select Change Password.
What does "Server Package" administrator do?
ProPTT2 provides the "Admin Web" to the "Server Package" administrator.
the Administrator can register/manage user information on the admin web. Also administrator can create channels depending on workplace situation and can view application users location information and service statistics. -
How to purchase a "Server Package"?
Please contact us using the form on > support > Contact
We will provide purchase function on ProPTT2 website( soon. -
Does "Server Package" support Windows OS?
Though ProPTT2 Server Package is Java based server platform but ProPTT2 only supports Linux officially for reason of technical support issues.
What can I do with "ProPTT2 SDK"?
By using "ProPTT2 SDK", SI/Solution development companies can add video/voice Push-To-Talk function to exisiting client application. Also you can develop a new ProPTT2 client application on demand. Manufacturers can produce IP-PTT Gateway device or IP-PTT dedicated devices using SDK.
Which OS is supported by "ProPTT2 SDK"?
ProPTT2 SDK supports Android/iOS/Windows/Linux. by ProPTT2 SDK, you can embody IP-PTT service that optimized for your client's environment.
Do I have to purchase "ProPTT2 SDK"?
"ProPTT2 SDK" is FREE to download on "ProPTT2 Developers".
We provide SDK download and develop guide on ProPTT2 Developers(
Note that you can develop client applcations with "ProPTT2SDK" and you need to purchase "Server Package" for intergration between client and service.
What is "ProGate"?
ProGate is a IP-PTT Gateway device that provides you voice PTT communication environment between IP based Push-To-Talk service and two-way radios(FRS, UHF, VHF, TRS).
Which two-way radio products are supported by "ProGate"?
"ProGate" supports well-known products of Motorola, iCom, Kenwood etc.
See supporting lists on ProPTT2 website.
- > Product > ProGate > Cable -
What is "ProGate Cable"?
ProGate Cable directly connects two-way radio and ProGate. You will need a suitable ProGate Cable depending on the type of radio.
Can I order a custom "ProGate cable"?
If there is no radio product you want to use on ProGate Cable supporting list, Please contact us using the form on > support > Contact.
Make sure that you need to provide us two radios and radio accessory for making and test of custom cable. -
How to purchase "ProGate" and "ProGate Cable"?
Please contact us using the form on > support > Contact
We will provide purchase function on ProPTT2 website( soon. -
What can I do with "ProGate Firmware"?
"ProGate Firmware" is a S/W program that helps you develop IP-PTT gateway device. Manufacturers can produce IP-PTT Gateway device that can be intergrated with ProPTT2 service by using "ProGate Firmware".
Cloud Service
What is "Cloud Service"?
ProPTT2 "Cloud Service" is affordable monthly ASP service - organizations or corporations could use video/voice PTT without building and managing new system.
How can I sign up for "Cloud Service"?
If you want to sign up for "Cloud Service", please contact us using the form on > support > Contact.
We will provide signing up function on ProPTT2 website( soon. -
Who can use "Cloud Service"?
We recommend ProPTT2 "Cloud Service" to customers who
1. wants to use affordable service without worrying about building & managing new system
2. wants to save time and use IP-PTT service immediately
3. wants to operate radio channels flexibly depending on working environment -
What is the difference between "Cloud Service" and "App Service"?
Cloud service provides different services than App service like;
1. 100 new channels, 1,000 users connection per channel
2. Real-time video sharing and voice PTT connection to two-way raido
3. Admin Web for channel/user management, location information, service statistics -
I'm the "Cloud Service" user. Where can I download ProPTT2 application?
Users can download ProPTT2 application on Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Note that "Cloud Service" users don't have to sign up for ProPTT2 application separately. If you are a cloud service user, ask your administrator about your ProPTT2 account.
"Cloud Service" users need to sign up for ProPTT2 seperately?
If you registered as "Cloud Service" users, your administrator will create your account and let you know. So cloud service users don't need to sign up for ProPTT2 on application.
I lost my "Cloud Service" ID.
Please ask your "Cloud Service" administrator. Your administrator will let you know your account.
Where can "Cloud Service" users change their password?
Cloud service users can change their password on ProPTT2 application or ask administrator to change. To change a password on the application, 1. Log in to ProPTT2 application 2. Go to [Setup > Account] 3. Select Change Password.
What does "Cloud Service" administrator do?
ProPTT2 provides the "Admin Web" to the "Cloud Service" administrator.
the Administrator can register/manage user information on the admin web. Also administrator can create channels depending on workplace situation and can view application users location information and service statistics. -
How do I request a refund for the Cloud Service purchased on the web?
ProPTT2 refund policy is applied to the case of Cloud Serivce purchased on the Web.
[ProPTT2 Refund Policy]
1. Refund request can be made within 7 days of purchase.
2. In case of continuous service contract with more than one month, we will refund an amount after deduction of 10% penalty charges from remaining value that calculated based on the date it was returned. However, if you request refund within 7 days of purchase, we refund an amount calcualted based on the date it was returned without penalty.
3. Note that If you created a new channel(including 1:1 channel), your purchase cannot be refunded.
[Request Refund]
1. Go to ProPTT2 website > Support > Contact Us
2. Enter your name / E-mail and select Category 'Service' Sub Category 'Cloud Service'.
3. Enter your messages with following information.
- ProPTT2 ID and user name / the name of ProPTT2 pass you purchased / the date and amount of your purchase
- Detailed information of your payment methods
App Service
What is "App Service"?
"App service" is for individual users who downloaded ProPTT2 app from App Store. By using ProPTT2 app, you can use video/voice Push-To-Talk with other users in a same channe.
Where can I download ProPTT2 app?
Search "ProPTT2" on Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Can I use ProPTT2 without signing up?
Yes, you can use ProPTT2 as a [GUEST] member. [GUEST] member can join demo channels.
What is the [GUEST] member?
[GUEST] members are users who haven't signed up. and they scould join the demo channels and use limited funtions. Main features such as channel creation and 1:1 Push-To-Talk are available for users.
What is a demo channel?
A demo channel is an open channel. Anyone can join a demo channel use video/voice PTT and chatting with other.
How can I sign up for ProPTT2?
On main screen, tap user icon on the left top corner (or swipe from left edge to right). Then a slide menu comes out from the left side, you will see the sign up button on it.
On sign up screen, input ID, password, user name, email address and select your country then tap [Create Account]. Now you're a member of ProPTT2!
For a [FREE] user who signed up for ProPTT2, we provide one free channel for your own. -
What is a ProPTT2 account?
ProPTT2 account is composed of two parts, an ID (you've entered when signing up) and a domain name,
in the following form : -
Why do i have to verify my email address?
Email verification make your ProPTT2 account more secure. It will be used for recovery of forgotten passwords and usernames. So please input your actual email address for security of your account.
I forgot my user ID.
Go to Login screen, tap [Forgot your account?].
Enter your user name and email address and tap [Find My ID] button. -
I forgot my password.
Go to Login screen, tap [Forgot your account?].
Enter your account information and tap [Find My Password].
We will send you a temporary password so you can log in. Don't forget to change your password. -
What is a [free member]?
If you signing up, you are the [free member] of ProPTT2. We provide one free channel to a free member and you can use service like :
- friends management(add, delete)
- inviting friends to your channel
- subscribing your friend's channel
- 1:1 Push-To-Talk (by accepting paid member's 1:1 invitation) -
What is a free channel?
A free channel is provided for a [free member] who signed up for ProPTT2. Up to 20 users can join a free channel and use video/voice PTT. A free channel is not an open channel; you can invite your friends to your channel or you can search and send subscription request to friend's channel.
How can I add a friend to my list?
Frist, on left slide menu, tap 'add user'.
Search your friend by user name or ID and your. -
I want to invite a friend to my channel.
1. Select a friend from your friend lists and user information popup will show. then tap [invite to current channel] or 2. Go to channel information screen (tab a channel on channel list), then tab a invite button and choose friends you want to invite.
Can I join my friend's channel?
To join friend's channel, first you need to subscribe your friend's channel. Go to right slide menu and tab [Search channel] on bottom. Search friend's channel and select the channel. You can see the channel information and subscribe it. Subscription will be done after the channel host accept the subscription request.
What is a [paid member]?
When a [free member] purchase a ProPTT2 pass, that user changed to a [paid member]. As a [paid member], you can invite a friend to 1:1 channel and create up to 30 channels as you like.
What is paid a channel?
A paid channel is a channel which is created by a paid member. Up to 500 users can join to a paid channel and use video/voice PTT with user in same channel.
How to create a channel?
To create a new channel, you need to purchase a ProPTT2 pass.
If you've already bought a pass, go to right slide menu and tab [Create Channel] on bottom. Input a channel name and a channel description as you want tab create button. -
I want to use 1:1 PTT with my friend.
Only a paid member can invite other free/paid member to a 1:1 channel. If you are already a paid member, go to friend lists and select a friend and tab [Invite to 1:1 PTT]. A [free member] can accept 1:1 PTT invitation request.
What is 'ProPTT2 Pass'?
If you purchase ProPTT2 pass and become a [paid member], you can use extended service. You could invite friend to 1:1 PTT, create up tp 30 channels as you want.
There are 1-Day/7-Days/30-Day/90-Day/180-Day/360-Day passes and a monthly pass with auto-renewal option. Choose your pass depending on the number of days you would like to use it. -
How to get a refund for iPhone ProPTT2 Pass purchase?
When your purchased a pass on iPhone (App Store In-app purchase), you can request a refund directly from Apple. *Unfortunately, we are unable to give refunds directly since billing is handled by Apple. We have absolutely no access to any billing or account information. Please use the following instructions.
1) Click the following link:
2) Select the big iTunes Icon on the right
3) Select "Account & Billing" from the menu on the left.
4) Scroll down to the "Billing" section and click "Report a Problem"
5) Login with the Apple ID account related to the problem.
6) Find the purchases in question in the list.
7) Click the "Report a Problem" button on the right side.
8) In the drop down, select "I didn't authorize this purchase"
9) Click "iTunes Store Support"
10) On the next screen you can choose how you'd like to get in touch with an Apple representative.
※ How to see your purchase histroy (Apple Customer Center) -
How to get a refund for Android ProPTT2 Pass purchase?
When you purchased a pass on Android (Google Play In-app purchase), ProPTT2 refund policy applied when you request a refund. You can request refunds under [ProPTT2 Refund Policy]. *Note that you can get an actual refund from Google Wallet. See [Returns and refunds on Google Play]. We cannot refund your payment directly.
[ProPTT2 Refund Policy]
1. Refund request can be made within 7 days of purchase.
2. Note that If you created a new channel(including 1:1 channel), your purchase cannot be refunded.
[Request Refund]
1. Go to ProPTT2 website > Support > Contact Us
2. Enter your name / E-mail and select Category 'Service' Sub Category 'App Service'.
3. Enter your messages with following information.
- ProPTT2 ID and user name / the name of ProPTT2 pass you purchased / the date and amount of your purchase
- Google Play login ID and Order Number(Transaction ID)
※ How to find your Google Play Order Number(Transaction ID)
1. Go to Google Wallet(
2. Log in to your Google Play account.
3. Go to [Transaction] menu and select your ProPTT2 payment history.
4. You can find your Transaction ID at the bottom of the receipt
[Refund Method and Amount]
- You can get an actual refund from Google Wallet. We, developers, cannot refund your payment directly.
- Refunds from Google Play are returned to the payment method used to make the original purchase. Refunds take different amounts of time depending on how you paid.
(e.g. : Credit card takes 3–5 business days, sometimes takes up to 10 business days.)
- If you purchased by a credit card, the amount of refunds may differ from your payment amount according to the exchange rate.
- For more information, refer to Google Play Help [Returns and refunds]. -
How do I request a refund for the ProPTT2 pass purchased on the web through PC Client?
ProPTT2 refund policy is applied to the case of ProPTT2 pass purchased on the Web through PC Client.
[ProPTT2 Refund Policy]
1. Refund request can be made within 7 days of purchase.
2. In case of continuous service contract with more than one month, we will refund an amount after deduction of 10% penalty charges from remaining value that calculated based on the date it was returned. However, if you request refund within 7 days of purchase, we refund an amount calcualted based on the date it was returned without penalty.
3. 유Note that If you created a new channel(including 1:1 channel), your purchase cannot be refunded.
[Request Refund]
1. Go to ProPTT2 website > Support > Contact Us
2. Enter your name / E-mail and select Category 'Service' Sub Category 'App Service'.
3. Enter your messages with following information.
- ProPTT2 ID and user name / the name of ProPTT2 pass you purchased / the date and amount of your purchase
- Detailed information of your payment methods
What is "ProPTT2 Developers"?
On ProPTT2 Developers site(, we provide various developer tools, guides and sample programs of ProPTT2.
What can I do on "ProPTT2 Developers"?
ProPTT2 Developers provide information below.
- ProPTT2 Technical Documentation
- ProPTT2 SDK and OpenAPI Develop Guide
- ProGate Firmware Guide
- ProGate Cable Making Guide
Learn more about ProPTT2 Developers on -
Do I have to sign up for "ProPTT2 Developers" to use the site?
You don't need to sign up to view all the develop guide documents. It's free. For SDK download or to get a SDK licence, you need to sign up. (It's FREE.)
Sales Partners
What is "Sales Partner"?
ProPTT2 Sales Partner is any company or organization that concentrating on providing customers with ProPTT2 products or services. ProPTT2 sales partners are categorized as "distributor/agency" and "reseller" depending on business products.
What is "Distributor/Agency"?
ProPTT2 Distributor/Agency is one of ProPTT2 sales partners and they sell ProPTT2 server package and ProGate to customers.
What is "Reseller"?
“Reseller” is one of ProPTT2 sales Partners and they sell ProPTT2 Cloud service/ProGate to customers.
We want to become a ProPTT2 sales partner.
Thank you for your interest and we welcome new partners. Please contact us using the form on > support > Contact